Neurodiversity and Therapy, a supportive place where you can be you.

Overcoming disturbances and difficulties in your life with Dr. Alice Kennedy, your online Chartered Clinical Psychologist

Many neurodiverse individuals feel this way. For neurodiverse people living in a neurotypical world, coping with anxiety and distress takes a toll. Supportive therapy for those with neurodiversity, Autism, and/or ADHD may help you combat the waves of a neurotypical world.

Do you find yourself feeling lost, confused, and/or even misunderstood by others around? Have you ever felt like no matter what you do/did, you just don’t fit in? Does your social life feel like one big struggle?

It’s not uncommon to experience:

Anxiety from trying to fit into environments that feel overwhelming or confusing.

Low mood or depression from feeling misunderstood, isolated, or struggling with self-doubt.

Burnout or exhaustion from having a busy mind or masking and constantly trying to adjust to social expectations.

Therapy for Neurodivergent people, Autism, ADHD

Neurodivergent women are especially likely to face difficulty in making their way in a neurotypical male-centric world, with missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis.

Neurodiversity in the workplace can look like and feel like being an outsider. You may feel excluded from conversations, experience misunderstandings relating to thoughts and ideas, or struggle with interpersonal skills and the manner in which you express yourself.

Some people with neurodiversity may struggle with a sense of disconnection from/in identifying emotions. This can lead to difficulties in emotional regulation, and can leave you feeling you are having big reactions to situations others seem to manage

They may also experience heightened responses to sensory stimuli. As a result, they may struggle to express to a neurotypical world what they’re experiencing, let alone asking for assistance.

For those with ADHD and/or Autism finding someone who ‘gets you’, and whom you can trust to discuss your difficulties, can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Can therapy help with Neurodiversity, Autism, and ADHD?

I offer you a neurodivergent-friendly space where you can gain support, be understood and work towards your goals. This might be feeling better about yourself, building confidence, learning how to navigate your feelings or making sense of events in your past.

If any of this resonates with you, I’d be honoured to walk alongside you and help you navigate the ups and downs of neurodivergence in a way that feels empowering and affirming. Get in touch to book an initial appointment.